You are invited to anKezia'sbirthday partysweet seventeenDearNama Tamu
You are cordially invited to celebrate
the sweet seventeen party ofBirthday PartyKezia Girlani ThieSeventeen and grateful for every opportunity that comes my way. -
PrincessTheKEZIA GIRLANI THIEFirst daughter of Felix Thie and Jane Asis
Birthday PartyMinggu, 11 Agustus 2024
Pukul 19.00 WIB00Hari00Jam00Menit00DetikDresscodeCasual Black -
Our Memories
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akan otomatis tampil di bagian ini -
I want to thank you for sharing in my birthday celebration. I look forward to our future together and making many more memories with you.Best RegardsKEZIA GIRLANI THIE